
Ramsés Cabello

Product Designer


Ramsés works as a Product Designer at Sketch, where he focuses on designing for the Mac and web, tinkering with internal tools, and collaborating with others. He loves designing, with a particular interest in the human dynamics behind it: the collaboration, processes, and tools that bring it all together. Outside of work, you’ll find him playing video games, taking photographs or just geeking out. He’s from the Canary Islands and currently lives in Denmark.

Becoming a Toolmaker

What’s the role of design tools in the design industry? As a toolmaker and as a designer using tools – what’s Sketch’s approach to deliver a tool that meets designers where they are?
As a toolmaker, Ramsés will share his values and strategy when bringing in features and experiences into Sketch. As a designer, he’ll express what matters to him when using tools as a medium to express and communicate his work.
Join Ramsés for a session where you’ll discover his journey – from using a design tool to designing the future of a collaborative design platform.